This con is SO MUCH FUN. If you are here you may have noticed all the girls swooning over the awesomely talented and handsome Vic Mignogna; Edward Elric in FMA and Tamaki Suoh in Ouran, just to name two). Many of you fine ladies explained to me in a cooing fashion "Vic gave me a hug!"
Of course this hatched an evil plan in the head of my dear friend Michelle. Of course Michelle knew about my silly school girl crush on Mr.Mignogna. And she had to drag me over with her to get HER OWN book signed by him.
And of course Michelle had to DECLARE MY UNDYING LOVE TO HIM... I haven't flushed so red in a very very very long time. (She was so smug with herself, outing of my affection)
He gave me the mostly lovely kiss on the cheek and warm hug. What a sweet man *blush blush blush blush blush*
Of course now Erica, AJ, and Michelle are having a field day with my lapse into giggly, lil school girl-ness. Ah, but it is so worth it...
What do I tell my boyfriend? He is going to be so delouse he didn't get a kiss from Vic. (^,~)
I also did a ton of Illustrations. Check them out:
An Original character I got to draw. |
This fine gentleman bought my Red card from the 5finity Grimm's fairy tales card set. |
Two more original characters. I think they really have spunk. |
I'm so T.O.ed with myself cause I didn't take a picture of the final version. |
This was a gift to my crush. Thanks for making my long friday and much better day Vic! |
Yet two more original characters. Aren't these girls just adorable? |
The Three Edwards: The short Edward Elric, The creeper Edward Cullens and the spoony bard Prince Edward. |
NEXT UP IS ASBURY PARK COMIC CON Saturday September 29th
See you there Pinky Punks!!!
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